We sing a Hallelujah! Our Savior died for me and you.
Worship music for me wakes my spirit like nothing else. Last night y'all were so kind to share what your favorite worship songs are.
As I read each post my mind would automatically sing the words from the songs you posted. The spirit within me lighting up.
Let's spend a moment today and just sing our favorite worship song and sing praises to Him who loves us enough to die for us and bear our sins, washing us clean and giving us new life in Him.
Let's pray: Lord Jesus we sing Alleluia, Alleluia, Hosanna in the Highest, blessed are You that came for us!
Lord we can't praise You enough for Your great love and sacrifice. Please fill us this day with a renewed spirit of love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, and awe for Your love, word, and people.
Thank You Jesus, Amen!