Action, take 3!
To act out our faith is no mere act, I was reminded yesterday.
Yes, that first beautiful moment of receiving salvation forgiveness sends a flood of happiness and desire to act in accordance with His will.
Yet, let me be raw and real, there are times I don't want to act in accordance with His will--even knowing how much it would please Him, even knowing that I should do my all for His Kingdom agenda!
Often that means my selfish ways have hardened my heart to the things that God is putting there. And sometimes I force myself to DO, to ACT, and then my spirit aligns, my feelings change, and I become that which I want to be--softened.
Sometimes my friends we need to ACT out whether we feel like serving or not. We need to ACT out the call on our heart even when we are depressed, stressed, anxious, fearful, etc.
And when we start with that faith step, that acting out our faith with a desire to have God change our feelings and thoughts (not the martyr syndrome acting)--but a true asking God to align your emotions after the first step of action--He will.
Let's do and act in accordance with what He is speaking to our hearts today. What is He asking that you change? Who is He calling you to serve with a humble heart and kind words? Where is He telling you to be His spokeswoman?
Let's pray: Dear Lord God Almighty, thank You that today is the day that You have made and we can rejoice and tell about all Your wonderful deeds to all those around us.
Lord help us to soften our hearts through active obedience to the calling, the speaking, the writing, the cleaning, the mothering, the wife-ing, the working, the driving, the giving, the serving, and the being that You have placed on us.
We long to be Your spokeswomen who are brave, bold, courageous, and speak with kind courage to all those around us.
Please Holy Spirit lead us daily in transforming our thoughts and actions as we imprint Your Holy word upon our hearts and minds.
We give You all thanks and praise for what You are doing in us, through us, and for us. Please surround us with Your favor as a shield and grant us God-blessed eyes to see the needs we can help with.
In Jesus name, we pray, Amen.