How do things fall apart?
Usually things fall away, decay, degrade, little by little, degree by degree.
Most of us when we have our salvation moment feel the exhilaration of being forgiven and free and can't wait to share that feeling with everyone.
I remember the relief and excitement to feel so utterly free and loved. But, I didn't stay fixed in the word. I didn't rebuke the whispers of the enemy that told me I wasn't good enough. I didn't work on my thoughts, my words, my actions.
I stayed stagnant and slowly fell away from anything that resembled a transformed heart--and actions that spoke of my faith. I mostly looked worldly and broken.
The worries of this life, the lies of the enemy, degree by degree pull us further and further from our true intention--to heal through the word and to love and serve as Christ first loved and forgave us much.
No matter where you are on the journey of faith, choose this day to stay steadfast in your daily reading, prayer, and a moment of focus on Christ's great love.
Then go and do. Show your love for Him who first loved you by your good deeds and words. And keep choosing to heal. Keep choosing to transform your thoughts and words to be in alignment with God's word.
*message me and let's begin that journey together.
Let's pray: Dear Lord God Almighty, we humbly come before You with thanks and praise.
Thank You Jesus for paying it all for us, for me, for everyone. We are in awe of Your love and mercy.
Lord please give us a steadfast desire to stay fixed in your word with a willing heart to transform and change ourselves daily into a closer Christ-like image of You Lord.
Please imprint Your holy word upon our hearts and minds and lead us to the healing and transformation we each need to become all that You want for us to be.
We praise You and thank You for all that You are doing in our lives and through our lives.
In Jesus name, Amen.