The glory, the majesty, the Holiness of our God takes my breath away and springs tears of joy, love, and gratitude into my eyes.
I stood in my kitchen yesterday (as I often do) and worshiped through a new song I hadn't heard ("Tremble" from Mosaic MSC’s new album “Glory & Wonder”). I played it over and over again with my hands held up in worship being renewed by His Spirit.
I basked in the love and light of Abba Father. He is the light we need to run to in this broken world. He empowers us by His loving spirit.
When the pain of this world bears down, when injustice seems to be winning, when circumstances seem beyond bearing--run, run to Jesus and be filled with His loving light.
Then turn and shine that light out so that you become part of the healing, part of the justice creating, and part of someone's story of seeing God's light.
Let's pray: Lord Jesus God Almighty Holy Spirit, thank You for this day. This is the day you have made and we will rejoice and give thanks to You who empower us to be apart of Your light spreading.
Please empower us to seek You, read Your word, speak Your word, and act in accordance with Your word so that others will hear our words, see our actions, and glorify You.
We give You all thanks and praise today and forever, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.