Do you prepare for hard days and difficult seasons?
Most of the time we feel blind-sided when hard times hit. Not one of us knew how difficult this year would be.
I was telling a friend that I am thankful that I have the tools, the daily habits, and the relationship with God that I have now or this time period would have sent me into a very difficult depression.
Even now after the last two years of hard mindset transformation work, life habits transformation, and attitude transformation, I have to work hard in very difficult times not to fall back into anxiety, worry, and depression.
God wants us training ourselves for our journey through His word. We all will encounter hard days, crises, and difficulties we can't imagine.
If we lack spiritual muscles then we will bend even greater under the weight of our circumstances. It will be even harder to move through with positive growth instead of chaffing at the bit.
I realize even more now how necessary the Biblical tools for positive growth are. How are you preparing for all of life's circumstances? If the answer is you're not really or don't know how then let's talk. My programs, my work over the last 2 years will make your life capable of withstanding all that this broken world will dish up.
Let's pray: Dear Lord God Almighty, we humbly come before You with thanks and praise. We thank You for loving us, forgiving us, and training us up in the way we should go.
Lord Jesus please forgive us of our sins know and unknown, things done and left undone. We thank You that we are forgiven and free in You.
Lord please imprint Your Holy word upon our hearts and minds so that we can not just endure what this life brings at us but we can grow through it in a positive and life transforming way.
We humbly submit ourselves for Your transformation and change. Help us Lord to find the tools, the habits, and the scripture that we need to become all You want for us.
Please help us to grow spiritually and to be Your hands, feet, and voice to bring salvation, love, and help to all those around us.
In Jesus name, we pray, Amen.