Does it sometimes take your breath away and spring tears of joy when you dwell on God's great gift of love and forgiveness? drop an emoji so I can pray for you
I sometimes spend so much time thinking on what I need to do and what isn't going right that I drift further from the rushing current of His love. It's like I move further from spiritual attachment to Him and His flowing love that I feel depleted and snappish. Anyone else?
God wants us tapped into Him and His overwhelming love and joy. Let's spend sometime this week intentionally focusing our spirit back into the life giving current of His love through praise and worship.
Dear Lord, we humbly come before You with thanks and praise. We are in awe of Your love and mercy. We praise You Jesus for Your never-ending love and forgiveness. We praise You for Your sacrifice that brings us into the throne room of The Most Holy God, creator of the universe. We long to praise You and feel the connection that we know dwells within us through the Holy Spirit. Lord please draw us in. Please lead us into that worship moment that feeds our thirsty soul, washes us clean, and heals our dry, broken places. Please continue to work on us day by day bringing us to the scripture we need to live by and become all that You want us to be. We sing Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hosanna in the Highest! Amen!