Happy Good Friday y'all!
I love Easter so much. It's always represented time with family and a focused attention on worshiping my Savior.
I use to allow the whispers of the enemy to keep me back from sharing the word of God and everything that was on my heart--I was a great sinner and I didn't think I deserved to be a spokeswoman for the Lord.
Year after year I kept away from the Bible and doing any growing in the word. I kept worldly ways and worldly mindsets. But, thankfully I broke past the mindset junk and embraced the path God was calling me to. What mindsets and whispers are holding you back from your calling and purpose?
Today spend some time embracing the forgiveness, love, and renewal that Christ gives you. You are free to walk boldly, courageously, and confidently into your future and your calling (no matter what that looks like to others).
Let's pray: Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for this Good Friday. Thank You for Your immense and immeasurable sacrifice for our sins.
Thank You Lord Jesus that by Your stripes we are healed and by Your resurrection power we who call You Lord are forever forgiven and free to walk boldly and confidently in Your love.
Lord Jesus please help us rebuke the whispers of the enemy. Please help us to speak with kind courage about all that You have done for us.
We sing praises to Your name, and pray for revival in every Christian heart as well as salvation knowledge to come to all.
In Jesus name, we pray, Amen.

Guide To Joy In Hard Times is just what we need right now.
I created this ebook for a time such as this. Grab some joy connection with God ❤️🙏