This broken world will always bring trials, challenges, and hard days.
None of us whether Christ follower or worldly way follower will go through life without hardship.
I never like the hard circumstances I go through. I never like hard days.
Now, at least I know how to use them for God's Kingdom agenda and my growth.
*do you want to learn how to grow through your hard days and fiery trials? Let's talk Leah Mason-Virgin
Let's Pray: Dear Lord God Almighty, thank You for this day. Thank You for Your love and mercy.
Lord please forgive us our sins, known and unknown, things done and left undone, so that we can find freedom to grow in Your word and shine Your light in such a way that others see and glorify You.
Lord please help us to grow through the hard circumstances of life. Please help us to read Your word daily and prepare for all that life will bring at us.
We thank You Jesus that You know suffering and hardship far beyond what we will ever understand--we know that You are a God near to us and never far off. Please help us to cling to You in hard times.
Thank You Lord for never leaving us nor forsaking us. Please work all things for Your glory and our spiritual growth and good.
In Jesus name, Amen.