We are God's children.
Such a beautiful truth to know that we are loved and made right with God through our Savior Jesus Christ.
We know that this world is not our final home. We know that some people won't understand our transformation.
Do you ever feel like you don't fit in?
I know that my ways are strange to some people that meet me, to family, to friends.
I use to fight against the feeling of being different and lonely. But, the more I changed and the more I asked God to bring women into my life that had the same passion for Him, the more He did.
If you want friends, we need to first become the friend that others want. Time in the word, fellowship with God, and working on our mindsets will create in us a magnetizing energy for the friends that will bless us and our walk with God.
We are going to be misunderstood by a broken, sinful world but we can be strong and encouraged by linking arms with other believing women.
*Want help creating the right mindset based on God word and way? Let's talk– burstingwithblessings@virg.org
Dear Lord Jesus thank You for this day, thank You that we are Your children.
Thank You Jesus for marking us as Your own, and for giving us the fragrance of salvation and change to all those around us.
Please help us to be strong and abide in Your word, will, and way.
Please cultivate in us a right spirit that attracts the best friends for our lives so that we can become the three strand twist that is stronger and more effective for Your Kingdom agenda.
Thank You so much Lord for loving us, working on us, and growing us through Your word. Amen.

*I empower women to learn how to speak the word of God to cultivate faithfulness, knowledge of their value, blessings, confidence, and perseverance to thrive in all of life's circumstances both good and bad.
Come to this table Blessed Christian Life Coaching by Leah!
All who seek to know God more are welcome here.