The message of Life everlasting
The Living Water
The Bread of Life
The Word made flesh
He is the living water we need to wash away our sins and create in us springs of living water that flow out to others.
He is the living water that heals and soothes the dry, parched, hurting placing in our body, mind, heart, and soul.
He is the one who endured excruciating pain for each of us--we have a God who is close, who knows us, who sees us, who weeps with us, who makes a way for us every day.
Let's pray: Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for this day, thank You for loving us so much that You hung Your crown up for a while, came down, taught us, loved us in the flesh, and then allowed Your torture and death for our sins, our salvation, and our ability to see the depth and breadth of Your love and sacrifice.
We praise You and thank You that You are The God who stands with us, cries with us, loves with us.
Lord please cause our minds to feel the enormity of Your love and to be in awe of Your sacrifice.
Help us please to submit to transformation and change by Your Spirit and Word so that we can be Your hands and feet in this very broken, hurting, and sinful world.
We know this world is not our home but our hearts and minds struggle so much with the brokenness and pain of what happens here.
Please Lord surround us with Your comfort and favor and bring about a right understanding of how to share the message of Your salvation, healing, and restoration with those that are hurting so badly.
Thank You Jesus for hearing our prayers, Amen.