Wisdom comes from God.
I know that this is a time period that filling our homes and our lives with the word of God will richly bless us.
Let's spend time today filling our minds, our thoughts, our words, and our actions with the words, the thoughts, the actions that Christ does.
Let's spend time worshiping Christ for His love, sacrifice, and words that transform hearts and minds.
Let's spend time singing hymns and worship songs that uplift our spirits.
Let's pray: Dear Lord God thank You that You made a way for us to confidently come into the throne room of our creator, redeemer, and sustainer.
Thank You Lord that nothing catches You by surprise. Thank You that with all that is rushing about us that we don't have to count worrying about our sin. Lord we humbly ask for our sins to be forgiven and our emotions to come into alignment of the truth of Your word.
We sing praises to Your name Jesus! Please imprint Your holy word upon our hearts and minds. Please grant us wisdom on how to live our lives and make purchases for our families during this time.
We give You all thanks and praise forever and ever. Amen