Transformation, truth, intention, peace, sowing, reaping, and righteousness.
What are you sowing? What are you reaping?
What we say is seeds sown and the harvest that becomes our life.
America is celebrating it's independence. It started with words spoken, then written, then acted on.
The more we gather in God's word to our mind, the more our thoughts start to shift to God's perspective.
The more we speak God's word the more we sow seeds of truth, love, compassion, peace, transformation into those that are like minded in Christ. But what about those that are still blind and hard-hearted?
Christian women are inundated from birth to worry about how people perceive us or understand our words.
We're taught to be passive. We're taught not to make others upset with our words.
But Jesus, Paul, James, and many others that we read of their life stories spoke in unyielding truth using words like: fool, foolish, white-washed tombs, hypocrite, and so many more that got most of them killed for their unyielding truth. (I'm NOT saying call people fools or use harsh words!)
My friends let's not confuse the blessing of speaking words of peace and encouragement with not speaking the hard truth of God to those whose hearts are hard and eyes are not yet open.
Let's not confuse that blessed are the peace makers with becoming a doormat and a victim to be used and abused.
Let's step into the empowering words of God and speak with kind courage, setting boundaries on those that are selfish and broken.
We are spokeswomen for the Lord. We are salt and light. Not everyone will be happy to hear our words. Not everyone will like the taste of our salty potent words of life.
Let's cultivate a strong sense of self day by day in the word so that we can sow words that build ourselves up and create a life full of blessings.
*call me and I will help you grow faster and stronger the positive tools and habits that tear down anxiety, worry, and feelings of unworthiness and will create the blessed life 🗣🤳💁♀️❤️
Let's pray: Dear Lord God Almighty, we humbly come before You with thanks and praise.
Thank You Lord that You are imprinting Your Holy word upon our hearts and minds. Lord please teach us how to speak with kind courage.
Please teach us how to be strong in the word and to share truth in a manner that leaves no debate on where we stand and how we expect to be treated.
Thank You Lord for doing a mighty work in us so that we can break broken mindsets and create a lasting legacy for our family.
In Jesus name, Amen