Hello and Welcome! I am honored to have you here on my blog. God has created a bursting desire within me to share His word. I am abundantly blessed to be redeemed and healed.
My name is Leah Virgin, loving wife for 20 years to my soulmate, and mother to three beautiful and blessed children. From a broken home, broken parents, broken childhood, fears, anxieties, depressions, a miscarriage, and more, God has brought me to this place.
God spoke to my heart many times about writing. I started out in high school as a journalism student. I was not very good 😉. I loved talking to people 😊. I loved hearing their stories. I loved hearing about political opinions, so I worked in that area in college along with journalism and radio. Being able to ask another person questions and hear what they thought intrigued me. I wanted to do more. The idealism of being apart of change led me to work in politics in Washington, D.C. after college.
As married life brought about the desire for children my focus and desires started to move away from politics and press releases toward breastfeeding and attachment parenting. I could not have envisioned wanting to embrace healthcare work, like working as an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). Or even being smart enough to make it through the rigors of nursing school to work as a registered nurse (RN) in a critical care environment. However, God works in the most amazing ways. He is not limited. He can impart knowledge, create and transform us when we allow Him and follow His leading.
All along the way of my life journey, I have moved toward this time. As God weaves a tapestry from the strings of decisions good and bad, I am drawn ever increasingly toward ministry. I obtained my Faith Community Nursing certificate (FCN). I did not know at the time this was one more step toward transformation in myself and being able to reach out and counsel others.
One stormy day led to flooding and gutting of our finished basement. It was a very difficult time for me. It showed me that I had not come as far in my life change as I wanted to think. That moment led me to a transformation coaching course. This intensive life transforming course was the catalyst for all God wants me to and be now.
I, now, am bursting to share Christ's love and healing. I am bursting to share how to apply God's word for true life transformation and change. I now have the abundant, joyful life that Christ talks about. I now walk in his healing. I want to share that. I want to share how other's have achieved that Biblical promise.
Join me each day as we look at ways to stand on God's word. I will interview others who have taken their life challenges and made them catapults to a successful and joyful life. I will share daily devotionals, live Bible studies, prayer workbooks, Bible Study books, and more that the Lord is creating through me.
I look forward to knowing you and sharing life with you.
Leah :-)