Building yourself up, creating yourself, transforming, becoming, walking into the promise land.
I love that I can create change daily through God's word. We are tasked with building ourselves up in His word.
While the world wants a selfish love to pervade, our God wants us to have a love that flows from knowing how much He loves us. This world wants us to say we don't have to change and others should just get over themselves and accept us just as we are.
Let's think on that a moment. Are we making excuses for our behavior using worldly ideology? It's one thing to be unique, quirky, firm against sin. It's another to make excuses for rude communication habits and behaviors like selfish lateness and forgetfulness.
We must diligently build ourselves up day by day through the word of God and the leading of the Holy Spirit.
We are worthy, loved, forgiven, and set free. We are the temple of the Holy Spirit. We can make small daily changes to our routine, our words, our habits, and our mindsets to build ourselves up in such a way that we walk into our promise land and our inheritance from the Lord. Amen!
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