There is enough difficulty in life without adding to it.
We often create and add to our own suffering.
Here God is instructing us to think about our actions and make sure that what we do doesn't create more sadness and persecution in our life.
What actions, thoughts, and habits do you have that are creating more pain in your life?
*Want to take a look at your habits and thoughts to transform them so you live a less stressed and a more blessed life? 🗣💻 Leah Mason-Virgin
Let's pray: Dear Lord God thank You that Your Holy word is instruction for living in this broken world.
Thank You that Your word is living and active and we can rely on it to help transform our minds, hearts, and lives.
Lord please show us today what we need to change so that we can lighten the burden on ourselves.
Please lead us to the scripture that will open our eyes and light the way to a deeper and more blessed life and relationship with You Lord Jesus.
Thank You Jesus! Amen