We can be bubbling over with joy to work towards the calling and dreams that God has for us.
God knows the plans He wants for us. He also knows that we need to grow into them. There are big blessings in store for each of us who work with God and through Him.
God calls us to be steadfast, immovable, and persevering in the calling on our life.
But when the circumstances of life come swirling at us and the enemy whispers words that tear down how do we persevere toward the great calling in Christ Jesus?
By keeping the vision ever before our eyes (ready to create your 2020 Vision Board?). By steeping our mind in the truth of God--we are loved, forgiven, called, and empowered through Jesus. By communing with Him daily--got ya covered right here with daily devotions. By imprinting His word on our hearts and minds--vision board scriptures to pray and meditate on. By cultivating relationships with other mature Christians! Let's do this

2020 here we come! #VisionBoard #NewYearsResolutions #GoalsAndDreams
#VerseOfTheDay #BuildingUp #Devotional #Scripture #PersonalDevelopment #DailyHabits #DailyChange #PromiseLand #Blessings #MindsetShift #DailyRoutine
#ChristianCoach #ChristianAuthor #ChristianWoman #ChristianMom #Prayer #Affirmations #Proclamations #BibleStudy #NoMoreExcuses #Intentional #ChristLike #Perseverance #Success #Wisdom #TransformationAndChange #BurstingWithBlessings