How do you react to God when He gives you a plan with unseen details, with no
"How To"?
It's a struggle for me to march forward on a plan that I know God wants without
knowing the details of how to accomplish each step.
> How To Grow Faith: Bible Study and prayer time
[]How To
Grow Faith: Bible Study and prayer time
Posted by Bursting With Blessings
[] on Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Everyone has faith.
Life is a faith walk--faith that tomorrow will happen and so forth.
We as Christians not only have evidence to back up our faith (see Case For
Christ) but we have the little blessings, miracles, and moments with God that
blow us away.
But often our memories
Courage. How do you bring forth courage over fear and discouragement?
I speak and proclaim God's word over myself and my situation as I push past the
fear, past the discouragement, and past the desire to give up.
Let's read God's word today and
The struggle for all things good, right, pure, lovely, and free starts with a
heart transformation.
Today we observe hearts that chose to fight for freedom--freedom for us to
worship and praise without persecution. Our struggles today pale in comparison
to the struggles of the early church and those persecuted