Being a mother is a unique, challenging, and amazing adventure I couldn't do
without God.
I've asked God every day to make me an amazing mother and then I proclaim it out
You are an amazing woman, mother, and all the things. Make sure to
Your record is cleared of all wrong!
What indescribable joy it is to be forgiven and free. How amazing is it to be
empowered by the Holy Spirit because our record is cleared?
But do we live like this?
In past years I would walk around with a never ending
There is a wealth of good things in you!
Oh the riches, blessings, and gifts that God gives His daughters whose hearts
are steadfast in loving and knowing Him.
Today, let's give thanks for the gifts God has given us. Let's talk with Him
about our
How do you share about your love and commitment to Jesus and God's people?
I've learned through the years that my words about myself and my circumstances
speak volumes of who I am and what I believe.
I never understood how negative I was. I didn&
What you do has value!
You are valuable, beautiful, wonderful, worthy, and saved by Your creator. What
wonderful words are these that define who we are as women.
We leave legacies of impact that ripple out to future generations. We impact our
tomorrow, our next month, and so on.