Exposed--just the word brings forth uncomfortable feelings.
No one likes feeling exposed. No one likes having sin, brokenness, or bad habits
exposed to themselves let alone to others.
But God wants us to expose the broken thoughts, habits, and behavior that He
already knows exists--no shame to be had, just
One on One help.
Yep I do that for you.
Ever thought of working with a Christian Life Coach?
Ever consider that real, lasting, positive change is not only possible but an
amazing gift to yourself, your family, and all those around you?
Not only is it possible but an
You are worthy, wonderful, smart, and precious. You are made in the image of
No matter where we are from or the beautiful colors of our skin, we are made,
loved, and created by God for His purpose.
He purposes that you would love and follow Him and that
Do you have a word for the year to focus on? (share below)
Sometimes I dismiss the power of the pull and influence of the world--and find
myself battling old thoughts and attitudes I assumed had no sway on me anymore.
But we battle spiritual forces of this world more
We are family!
I love how Jesus was always expanding the small, closed views of those around
Him--as He is today.
Jesus challenged then and now that we are all connected one to another. We are
all family, we are all neighbors (Luke 10:29-37)
No matter what your worldly