Imagine spending just a few minutes delving into a perfectly written for you Bible Study & prayer book that will significantly decrease your anxiety over the things swirling around in your life? This book will do that!
My book will help you relax your shoulders and feel the peace of God descend into your mind. It is the key to walking through life's circumstances with the peace of Christ blowing away the worried thoughts and anxious feelings.
Each chapter is made to create that God moment you are craving right now. Each chapter connects you to His word and the tools needed to walk your journey with confidence and faith in God. Each chapter gives you powerful prayers to speak and feel the presence of God. Each chapter gives you proclamations from the word of God to speak out throughout the day to crush anxiety, and worry into dust--leaving you feeling free to move through your day knowing that the power of God is working all things for your good.
Dive into this anytime life's storms rock your emotions and world.
And after you have experienced this powerful book pop over and continue growing in the word with Leah. Let's build our faith muscles and the abundant joy-filled life that Jesus promises to those that love Him.